Joi Network

Today, Dr. Wrightson-Harter focuses on women’s health, optimizing metabolism through nutrition, hormonal balancing, digestive health using an integrative approach. She launched her all-organic skincare, tea and tincture brand, Dr. Harter’s Botanicals, last year and loves formulating new products to help her patients.
Now residing in upstate South Carolina, Dr. Harter is licensed in California as a primary care physician and sees her patients virtually through a tele-health platform. For those patients outside California, she acts as a consultant and dietitian to assist patients across the country. Dr. Harter is a member of Puriya Science Board, the California Association of Naturopathic Physicians as well as a supporting member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians; the only nationally recognized association for licensed ND’s.
Joi Network Membership Discount: 10% off Initial Consultation
DR. Kristi Wrightson-Harter, ND, RD, MS
Dr. Kristi Wrightson-Harter graduated with a B.S. from the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. She attended Medical School and earned her Masters in nutrition from Bastyr University, the world’s leading university for integrative medicine. During her schooling at Bastyr, Dr. Wrightson-Harter worked with physicians from Northside Hospital in Atlanta as well as several integrated health clinics in Seattle. This training exposed her to perspectives from both conventional and naturopathic medicine, creating a more complete protocol of care that employs characteristics from both forms of healing.
While getting her Naturopathic Doctorate, Dr. Wrightson-Harter realized the importance of educating her patients on health issues related to food and continued on to get her Master’s in Nutrition. She utilizes this exceptional background in treating her patients, using each person’s unique internal blueprint as the guide for working within the basic principles of health.

​A Natural Health Practitioner and enzyme specialist in Greenville, SC, Brenda Baker believes that all people have the ability to achieve true wellness through alternative healthcare and holistic and nutritional science principles. As such, she believes that symptoms such as migraines, constipation, diarrhea, pain, anxiety, and other issues are actually signs that point to the need to resolve a bigger problem.
Joi Network Membership Discount:
Free 30 minute phone consultation
($50 Value)
Authentic Health / Bio Feedback
Brenda Baker
Through Brenda’s non-invasive assessments and consultative procedures, clients are able to identify underlying causes of common health concerns. Moreover, Brenda believes in a non-pharmaceutical approach to the management of physical, mental, and emotional health problems. Instead of simply focusing on the suppression of symptoms, Brenda seeks understanding your body and mind’s interconnectedness. She is dedicated to creating an individualized platform that considers your unique physical, psychological and emotional make-up.
Authentic Health
400 East Washington St.
#2 Greenville, SC 29601